TRA: Waste-storage rules will "decimate" UK tire recycling

TRA: Waste-storage rules will “decimate” UK tyre recycling

London – Many tyre recycling operations could soon close due to planned new rules intended to increase the safety of waste storage sites in the UK, the Tyre Recovery Association (TRA) has warned. Proposals by the Environment Agency (EA) to regulate the storage and processing of end-of-life tyres will force many operators out of business by the end of this year, said a TRA press statement. In particular, the association believes that new EA requirements for maximum stack heights and […]


War of words over €3 charge on each car tyre

A war of words has blown up over a €3+ fee for the collection and disposal of car tyres. The company set up to run the scheme says the fee is already effectively being charged by retailers and that it is only making sure tyres are properly collected, disposed of or re-cycled. Those against the move insist it is a new, unwarranted tax. Eddie Cunningham outlines the official view while independent expert Padraic Deane reports on why many retailers are […]